2000-12-09..2011-02-23 Hisashi MORITA
See the ChangeLog for detail.
Compares two text files by word, by character, or by line
DocDiff compares two text files and shows the difference. It can compare files word by word, character by character, or line by line. It has several output formats such as HTML, tty, Manued, or user-defined markup.
DocDiffは2つのテキストファイルを比較してその違いを表示します。単語ごと、文字ごと、そして行ごとにファイルを比較できます。結果を出力する形式は、HTML, tty(文字端末向けのエスケープシーケンス), Manued(真鵺道という校正用のマークアップ形式)などが用意されており、ユーザ定義のタグを使うこともできます。
It supports several encodings and end-of-line characters, including ASCII (and other single byte encodings such as ISO-8859-*), UTF-8, EUC-JP, Shift_JIS, CR, LF, and CRLF.
次のエンコーディング(文字コード)と行末コード(改行文字)をサポートしています: ASCII(およびISO-8859-*などのシングルバイトエンコーディング), UTF-8, EUC-JP, Shift_JIS、そしてCR, LF, CRLF.
Note that you need appropriate permission for proper installation (you may have to have a root/administrator privilege).
注意: 正しくインストールするためには適切なファイルアクセス権限が必要です(管理者権限が必要な場合があります)。
)# cp -r docdiff /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1
)# cp docdiff.rb /usr/bin/
)# mv /usr/bin/docdiff.rb /usr/bin/docdiff
)# ln -s /usr/bin/docdiff.rb /usr/bin/chardiff.rb
# ln -s /usr/bin/docdiff.rb /usr/bin/worddiff.rb
)# chmod +x /usr/bin/docdiff.rb
)# cp docdiff.conf.example /etc/docdiff.conf
# $EDITOR /etc/docdiff.conf
)% cp docdiff.conf.example ~/etc/docdiff.conf
% $EDITOR ~/etc/docdiff.conf
)# cp -r docdiff /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1
)# cp docdiff.rb /usr/bin/
)# mv /usr/bin/docdiff.rb /usr/bin/docdiff
)# chmod +x /usr/bin/docdiff.rb
)# cp docdiff.conf.example /etc/docdiff.conf
# $EDITOR /etc/docdiff.conf
)% cp docdiff.conf.example ~/etc/docdiff.conf
% $EDITOR ~/etc/docdiff.conf
docdiff [options] oldfile newfile
e.g. % docdiff old.txt new.txt > diff.html
See the help message for detail (docdiff --help).
詳しくはヘルプメッセージを参照してください(docdiff --help)。
% cat sample/01.en.ascii.lf
Hello, my name is Watanabe.
I am just another Ruby porter.
% cat sample/02.en.ascii.lf
Hello, my name is matz.
It's me who has created Ruby. I am a Ruby hacker.
% docdiff sample/01.en.ascii.lf sample/02.en.ascii.lf
Hello, my name isWatanabe.matz.
It's me who has created Ruby. I amjust anothera Rubyporter.hacker.
% cat sample/01.ja.eucjp.lf
私はJust Another Ruby Porterです。
% cat sample/02.ja.eucjp.lf
Rubyを作ったのは私です。私はRuby Hackerです。
% docdiff sample/01.ja.eucjp.lf sample/02.ja.eucjp.lf
Rubyを作ったのは私です。私はJust AnotherRubyPorterHackerです。
You can place configuration files at:
Notation is as follows (also refer to the file docdiff.conf.example included in the distribution archive):
# comment
key1 = value
key2 = value
Every value is treated as string, unless it seems like a number. In such case, value is treated as a number (usually an integer).
Sometimes DocDiff fails to auto-recognize encoding and/or end-of-line character. You may get an error like this.
charstring.rb:47:in `extend': wrong argument type nil (expected Module) (TypeError)
In such a case, try explicitly specifying encoding and end-of-line character (e.g. docdiff --utf8 --crlf).
このような場合は、エンコーディングや行末文字を明示的に指定してみてください(e.g. docdiff --utf8 --crlf)。
When comparing space-separated texts (such as English or program source code), the word next to the end of line is sometimes unnecessarily deleted and inserted. This is due to the limitation of DocDiff's word splitter. It splits strings into words like the following.
text 1:
foo bar
("foo bar" => ["foo ", "bar"])
text 2:
("foo\nbar" => ["foo", "\n", "bar"])
comparison result:
("<del>foo </del><ins>foo</ins><ins>\n</ins>bar")
Foo is (unnecessarily) deleted and inserted at the same time.
I would like to fix this sometime, but it's not easy. If you split single space as single element (i.e. ["foo", " ", "bar"]), the word order of the comparison result will be less natural. Suggestions are welcome.
作者はこの問題をいつか解決したいと思っていますが、簡単ではなさそうです。もし空白を1つの要素として分割したなら(i.e. ["foo", " ", "bar"])、比較した結果出力される単語の並びが今よりも不自然になってしまいます。良い案があったら教えてください。
If you want to use DocDiff as an external diff program from VCSs, the following may work.
% svn diff --diff-cmd=docdiff --extensions "--ascii --lf --tty --digest"
% GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF=~/bin/gitdocdiff.sh git diff
#!/bin/sh docdiff --ascii --lf --tty --digest $2 $5
With zsh, you can use DocDiff or other utility to compare arbitrary sources. In the following example, we compare specific revision of foo.html in a repository with one on a website.
% docdiff =(cvs -Q update -p -r 1.3 foo.html) =(curl --silent http://www.example.org/foo.html)
% docdiff =(svn cat -r3 http://svn.example.org/repos/foo.html) =(curl --silent http://www.example.org/foo.html)
You can compare files other than plain text, such as HTML and Microsoft Word documents, if you use appropriate converter.
適切な変換ツールを使えば、HTMLやMicrosoft Word文書など、プレーンテキスト以外のファイルも比較できます。
Comparing the content of two HTML documents (without tags) HTML文書の内容(タグを除く)を比較:
% docdiff =(w3m -dump -cols 10000 foo.html) =(w3m -dump -cols 10000 http://www.example.org/foo.html)
Comparing the content of two Microsoft Word documents Microsoft Word文書の内容を比較:
% docdiff =(wvWare foo.doc | w3m -T text/html -dump -cols 10000) =(wvWare bar.doc | w3m -T text/html -dump -cols 10000)
If you want to compare Latin-* (ISO-8859-*) texts, try using ASCII as their encoding. When ASCII is specified, DocDiff assumes single-byte characters.
文字コードがLatin-* (ISO-8859-*) のテキストを扱うときは、文字コードにASCIIを指定してみてください。ASCIIが指定されると、DocDiffは対象をシングルバイト文字のテキストとして扱います。
Comparing Latin-1 texts:
% docdiff --encoding=ASCII latin-1-old.txt latin-1-new.txt
This software is distributed under so-called modified BSD style license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php (without advertisement clause)). By contributing to this software, you agree that your contribution may be incorporated under the same license.
Copyright and condition of use of main portion of the source:
Copyright (C) Hisashi MORITA. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
diff library (docdiff/diff.rb and docdiff/diff/*) was originally a part of Ruby/CVS by Akira TANAKA. Ruby/CVS is licensed under modified BSD style license. See the following for detail.
There are several other software that can compare text word by word and/or character by character.